Tuesday, 22 December 2015


What is Informatica Power Center?

Intformatica Power Center is an ETL(Extraction, Transformation,Loading) tool. This tool is used in Data warehousing projects.

When Informatica comes into picture?

If you are working on Data Warehousing projects, Informatica comes into picture.
If you are under Business Intelligence team, Informatica comes into picture.

If you take any Data Warehousing Project, there are two parts ETL and Reporting. Informatica Comes under ETL part

Why you need to learn Informatica?

Informatica power center is a powerful ETL tool, many companies using this and many jobs are available in the market. You will get attractive compensations.

What is pre-requisite to learn Informatica?

You should have little knowledge on SQL.

What are different types of jobs available on informatica?

Informatica Developer

Informatica Lead/ Informatica Architect

Informatica Admin

What is DWH/Data Warehouse?

a) According to the author Ralph Kimbal, a data warehouse is a historical database which is used for analysis and decision making

b) If i speak technically a data warehouse is a collection of tables with some relationships. You can build data warehouse on any one of the databases which are available in the marekt. Eg:- Oracle, Teradata etc

What is ETL?

ETL means 

Extraction  ==>Fetching data from multiple systems

Transformation ==> Applying Business Rules on the extracted data

Loading==>Inserting data into the Data Warehouse

To know more information on above topics, please see the below video

What is Informatica Power Center Tool?

Informatica Power Center is an ETL Tool. This is a GUI tool. This comes as two parts Client and Server.

Power Center Client is used by Informatica Developers

Server Side (Admin Console) used by Informatica Admins

What are different components with in Power Center Tool?

Power Center Designer

Power Center Workflow Manager

Power Center Workflow Monitor

Power Center Repository Manager

What we do with Power Center Designer?

It is a GUI tool, used mainly to import source and target structures, creating reusable transformations, creating mapplets and mappings.

What are the different tools under Power Center Designer?

a) Source Analyzer==>To import source structures

b) Target Designer   ==>To import target structures

c) Tranformation Developer ==>To create reusable transformations

d) Mapplet Designer ==> To create mapplets

e) Mapping Desinger ==> To create mappins

What we do with Power Center Workflow Manager?

Used mainly to create sessions, worklets and workflows

What are the different tools under Power Center Workflow Manager?

a) Task Developer ==>To create sessions

b) Worklet Designer ==> To create worklets

c) Worfkflow Designer ==>To create workflows

What we do with Power Center Workflow Monitor?

Used to monitor data loads (Sessions succeeded/failed etc)

What we do with Power Center Repository Manager?

Used to import/export objects

Used to compare folders/objects

Used to create folders etc

As a informatica developer you closely work with designer, workflow manager and workflow monitor. Few times Repository Manager.

As a Informatica Administrator, closely work with Repository Manager and Administration Console.


Connecting to Oracle Database:

1. Start=> All programs=>Oracle=>Application development=> Sqlplus

It asks following details.

User name : System
Password   : ******
Host String : ORCL

Click on ok

Create two users one user is source another one is target


Sql>Create user source identified by source;
Sql>Grant connect, resource to source;


Sql>Create user target identified by target;
Sql>Grant connect, resource to target;

Create source table and target table by connecting to users source and target.

Sql> Conn source/source;
Sql> Create table employee(empno number,ename varchar2(20),esal number);
Sql> Insert into employee values(100,’ravi’,2000);
Sql> Insert into employee values(101,’vinay’,3000);
Sql> Insert into employee values(102,’raju’,6000);

Sql> Conn target/target;
Sql> Create table tb_emp(empno number,ename varchar2(20),esal number);

Open Informatica PowerCenter Tool:

start=>All Programs=>Informatica=>Client=>PowerCenter Designer

Double click on "rep" in the left side navigation bar. It will ask userid and pwd


Double click on your folder in the left side navigation bar.

Importing Source Definition

Select source analyzer tool to import the source structure from database.

From the menu bar select sources=>import from database.

It opens a dialouge box. Select the icon with 3 dots.

Click on ADD

=>select the oracle driver oracle in "oradb1og-home1" click on finish

Enter the following details:

Data source name: source_test
TNS Service name : Orcl

User ID:source

Click the test connection

Enter the pwd: source

Click On “ok”

select the dsn source_test.

enter userid and pwd. click on connect. select table and click on ok.

From the menu bar select repository and click on save.

Importing Target Definition

Select target designer tool to import the target structure from database.

From the menu bar select targets=>import from database.

It opens a dialogue box. Select the icon with 3 dots.

Click on ADD

=>select the oracle driver oracle in "oradb1og-home1" click on finish

Enter the following details:

Data source name: target_test
TNS Service name : Orcl

User ID:target

Click the test connection

Enter the pwd: target

Click On “ok”

select the dsn target_test.

enter userid and pwd. click on connect. select table and click on ok.

From the menu bar select repository and click on save.

Design a mapping

Select mapping designer tool to create a mapping.

1.      From mapping menu select create
2.      Enter mapping “name” click ok
3.      From repository navigator window drag the source definition on to the mapping designer workspace
4.      From target drag the target definition on to the mapping designer workspace
5.      From source qualifier connect columns to target definition with simple drag and drop
6.      From repository “save”

Creation of session 

1.      Open client workflow manager
2.      Connect repository with valid user name and password
3.      Select the folder from tools menu
4.      Select task developer
5.      Select tasks from menu bar.
6.      Select task type session
7.      Enter name
8.      Click on “create”
9.      Select mapping click on “ok”
10.  Click on “done”
11.  Click on “save”

Creation of reader connection:- (Source relational connection)

1.    From workflow manager client
2.    Select connection menu click on relational
3.    From list select oracle click on new enter the following database connectivity
4.    Name : test_source
5.    User name:source
6.    Password :source
7.    Connect string: orcl
8.     Click on “ok”

Creation of writer connection:- (Target relational connection)

1. Click on new
2. Name:test_target
3. User name:target
4. Password :target
5. connect string : orcl

Click on apply ok

Double click the session

1.    Select the mapping tab
2.    From left panel select “source”
3.    From a relational reader set connection the value “relational source name”
4.    From left panel select “target”
5.    From a relational writer set connection the value “relational target name”
6.    From repository click on “save”

Creation of the workflow:-

1.    From tool menu select workflow designer
2.    Workflow menu create select enter the workflow name:
3.    Click “ok”
4.    From repository navigator window expended session for drag session drop beside the workflow
5.    Task menu select link task drag link from workflow, drop on session
6.    Execution workflow
7.    Workflow menu click on
8.    Start workflow

Workflow monitor:-

Monitor the session succeeded  or failed.